Happy 13th Anniversary Freaky Friday!

Publish date: 2024-04-20

Freaky Friday came out 13 years ago on August 6, 2003. The film stars Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Single mother Tess Coleman and her teenage daughter, Anna, can’t get along. When the two enter a Chinese restaurant, they start to argue. The restaurant owner’s mother sees and interrupts to give them some fortune cookies. All of a sudden, an earthquake happens but only Tess and Anna can feel it. The next day, the mother and daughter find themselves in each other’s bodies. They discover that the old woman at the restaurant caused the body switch to happen and the only way to undo it is to show selfless love towards one another.

Both Lohan and Curtis received praise for their roles in the film. Due to her performance, the Golden Globes nominated Jamie Lee Curtis an award for best actress. Lohan also earned an MTV Movie Award for Breakthrough Performance.

To celebrate the movie’s anniversary, we at CelebMix picked our favorite scenes from the movie!

The Morning of The Switch

When Tess and Anna wake up in the wrong bodies, the two are completely freaked out! They think they’re dreaming! They decide to run into each other head-on, hopeful that the collision will be enough to undo the switch. No matter what they did, they remained in each other’s bodies.

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Jake’s Serenade To “Tess”

Anna’s classmate, Jake, falls hard for “Tess” AKA Anna in her mother’s body. Jake tries to pursue a relationship with “Tess,” and attempts to woo her with a song.

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Tess Goes To School As Anna

When Tess attends school as Anna, she realizes that her daughter is bullied by a classmate named Stacey. Stacey accuses Anna of cheating. In an attempt to get back at her, Tess (as Anna) finds Stacey’s test and erases all the answers. She then writes, “I’M STUPID” over the exam.

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“Tess” Performs At The Concert

Tess realized how important music is for Anna, so she steps in to perform for her at the concert. Although she has no idea how to play guitar, Tess pretends to, while Anna actually plays behind the stage.

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The Switch Back

Tessa’s act of selfless love at the concert, and Anna’s selfless love of accepting her mother’s marriage undoes the spell. When they are finally back in their own bodies, mother and daughter are closer than ever because they finally understand each other.

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There are so many other good scenes and quotes from the movie, we can’t name them all! Celebrate the anniversary with us by watching the movie again!

Then, tell us your favorite Freaky Friday scenes on Twitter at @CelebMix!
