L&S: Duchess Kate is refusing to eat because its her one form of rebellion

Publish date: 2024-04-13


While most of the tabloids are focused on Duchess Kate’s womb this week, Life & Style is still very concerned with Kate’s weight (as opposed to her “wait”). I have some mild concern too, but obviously Kate’s rapid weight loss can be attributed to many things – anxiety, stress, wanting to lose weight before her wedding, etc. That being said, if you told me that Kate has an eating disorder, I would totally believe you. I tend to think she’s been struggling with anorexia rather than bulimia – Kate seems like she withholds food and obsessively exercises. It really seems like Kate – through sheer force of will – has completely remade her body from fit, athletic, healthy and slim (I’m guessing she used to be around a size 4 or 6 in American sizes) to a bony and emaciated size 00. It’s always interesting to go back and look at older photos of Kate – here’s one from 2006. Look at how full her face was! I think she’s always been pretty, but I like her more with a little bit more weight. Anyway, here are the basics of Life & Style’s story – they think she’s anorexic too:

Hollywood starlets aren’t the only ones feeling pressure to stay thin. Kate Middleton is living every girls dream of becoming a princess but as the pressure to be perfect grows, her body is shrinking.

Isolated five hours away from friends and family in London, Kate is under immense stress–from safety and kidnapping threats, to constantly being critiqued by the queen, to the couple’s very public desire to start a family, and worrying over William’s safety as a search-and-rescue pilot.

“She dropped two dress sizes before the wedding and loved how it made her feel,” explains an insider. “She’s showing no signs of slowing down now, and the weight is just falling off of her.”

Kate’s life is so crazy and chaotic and busy, “But the Duchess of Cambridge, 29, has found the one thing she can totally control: her body.” She fills her days with “persistent exercise and calorie-counting” and often refuses to eat. “It’s a form of rebellion against the queen and other forces trying to take charge of her life.”

Nutritionists suspect she’s lost another 5 pounds since her North American tour in July, when attention was turned to her shrinking size. She’s been rising early every morning to run along the beach or work out in their private gym by 8:30 a.m. and she’s forsaking her former addictions to Haribo candy, pizza and French bread.

“Friends are always trying to get Kate to eat something when they see her, but she just ignores them and refuses,” explains an insider. “She changes the conversation and makes an excuse like she’s eaten already or that she’s not hungry.”

Kate’s sister, Pippa, has started calling her older sibling up to five times a day to check in on her and her eating habits. And her husband has been encouraging his bride to take a break from her strict diet and workout routine to spend leisurely weekends in London with Pippa.

“William is concerned,” confirms the insider. “He doesn’t want to see Kate get sick.”

[From Life & Style, Jezebel]

When he was just a boy, William had a front-run seat to his mother’s eating disorder, although he might have been too young to really understand what was happening. Diana was always pretty open and honest about it, though, so you’d think that William would realize what a problem he’s got on his hands. There’s not much he can do until Kate gets in it in her head that she looks just fine with ten extra pounds. Or twenty. Even thirty.





Photos courtesy of WENN & Fame.
