Matt Brown: "Aging horribly" - Fans suspect Conor McGregor has undergone botox treatment recently

Publish date: 2024-04-28

Conor McGregor's lengthy absence from the octagon has put a spotlight on all things outside mixed martial arts. The most recent point of discussion was whether McGregor has undergone botox treatment in the near past.

Fans compared pictures from a few years ago with his most recent ones and debated whether he had taken the shots that are often used to smooth wrinkles on the face and treat neck spasms.

A fan put the changes down to McGregor's alcoholic tendencies:

"As someone who lost a shit ton of weight, you’d be shocked on a bit of face fat can make someone looks very different. I do think he is aging horribly because of his drinking problem but I still think it’s mostly fat gain"

Other fans pointed towards the various other transformations he has potentially undergone, and also the use of HGH (human growth hormone).

"Getting that puffy face, is a side effect HGH. Wether he was taking it for his leg to heal, to put on size quick for the movie, i think 90% of ppl know he was on peds since he took him self out of usada pool and STILL hasnt reentered.ive been under the assumption thats the cause" "Growth hormone changes to size of your head. Look at before and afters of athletes that took it." "Botox fillers, hgh, testosterone, substantial muscle gain, yeah he will look slightly different"

Some fans also dismissed the suggestion that Conor McGregor was undergoing various treatments and referenced his aging and weight gain. They also mentioned how his future plans could be a factor:

"Probably wasnt as careful as usual with the diet, steroids and no beard." "HGH and other pharmaceuticals. We’re starting the McGregor acting era post fighting."

Matt Brown speaks out on Conor McGregor who is eyeing his UFC knockout record

Conor McGregor had recently announced that he wishes to break the record for most knockouts in the UFC. The current record-holder is UFC veteran Matt Brown at a joint 13 KOs with Derrick Lewis.

In a recent interview with Michael Bisping and Anthony Smith, Brown went off on McGregor.

“He’s a nobody, in my opinion. He was amazing, I give him props for all that he did, but at this point he’s a bum. Everything you see, it’s him drinking and getting coked up, or he’s juiced out of his mind. That’s f*cking bum life to me. All that money don’t make you not a bum.”

He criticized Conor McGregor's lavishly indulgent lifestyle and questioned his recent track record in the octagon.

Check out Brown's comments on YouTube:

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