woman orphan at Birth Grows up to Become a Senior Analyst at Greek deity, Tributes Bilquis Edhi

Publish date: 2024-05-31

"Pakistani woman orphan at Birth Grows up to Become a Senior Analyst at Greek deity, Tributes Bilquis Edhi for Her Care & Support"

Rabia Bibi Osman

rabia bano

rabia bano edhi

Rabia Bibi OsmanRabia Bibi Osman

Pakistani woman Rabia Bibi Osman, orphan at birth, tributes giver Bilquis Edhi for her care and support in a very social media post.

Rabia presently works as a Senior Privacy & Compliance Analyst at Greek deity in San Diego, California, u. s.. She is one in all the baby ladies World Health Organization was abandoned and left within the Edhi carriage twenty-eight years agone. Bilquis Edhi solid her identity and helped her settle in her home.

She was later adopted by warm folks that provided her with a bright future. Rabia went on to review computing and knowledge Security at the toilet Jay faculty (CUNY), and soon, visited Albany graduate school to review Master of Science in Legal Studies with a amount in Cybersecurity and information Privacy. Rabia’s Linkedin additionally illustrates an image of her career as secure in cybersecurity with ample expertise.

rabia bano

In a protracted post on Linkedin, she wrote, “Twenty-eight years agone i used to be abandoned in a very carriage at the #EdhiOrphanage situated in Karachi, Pakistan. You found ME, you named ME once your mother Rabia Bano, you solid my identity, then you gave ME a home. thanks to you today…I am a someone, I even have associate degree identity, and that i have warm folks to decision my very own. You fought for woman’s rights, you were associate degree activist, a giver, a rebel for the nice cause. You schooled ME the ability of girl, to invariably have associate degree unwavering sense of self and to be unapologetically formidable.”

She attributable Bilquis for permitting her to dare to dream, “Because of you i'm associate degree freelance girl with a graduate level education and an area within the world to decision my very own. You gave ME chance. You awarded ME an opportunity to dream, and you given ME with freedom.”

She attributable Bilquis for the life she has been ready to work herself which might haven't been potential while not her, “To the globe you were Bilquis Edhi, however to ME you were city Amma (Elder mother). because of you I even have 2 warm folks World Health Organization created positive I had everything a touch woman may have ever asked for. I visited an excellent highschool, got scholarships throughout faculty, did associate degree billet in NYS Assembly, borough District Attorney’s workplace, U.S Congress, U.S Senate and visited graduate school to purse a masters in Cybersecurity and information Privacy Law. All. Because. Of. You.”

rabia bano edhi

She complete, “For those of you World Health Organization {are|ar|area unit|square MEasure} reading regarding Bilquis Edhi for the primary time… i would like you to understand World Health Organization she was to me, and to any or all of Pakistan. #BilquisEdhi was a hero, she was a mother to numerous orphans (like me) and a powerhouse for humanity. Losing clean Abbu (#AbdulSattarEdhi) was robust, however your loss has created ME feeling orphan once more today…My name is Rabia Bibi Osman, and that i can forever be a proud #Edhi baby.”

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Like Rabia, Bilquis Edhi’s philanthropic efforts have helped 1000s of abandoned kids notice warm families. She had earned herself the title of ‘Mother of Pakistan’ thanks to her unfailing gift of giving, compassionate nature and large add giving back to society. She breathed her last in Karachi, Pakistan on the fifteenth of April 2022.
